Help Center - What does High Yield Capacity in Printer Cartridges mean?

What does High Yield Capacity in Printer Cartridges mean?

The "yield" refers to the number of pages a single printer cartridge will print. There are four main classifications of page yield: standard, high yield, extra high yield, and jumbo.

The two most common are standard and high yield. Standard yield cartridges will print the lowest amount of pages per cartridges. High yield cartridges will typically print twice as much as the standard yield. Extra high yield cartridges print even more. Jumbo cartridges prints the most.

However, extra high yield and jumbo cartridges are rare and are only made for a handful of printers.

High yield cartridges will typically be a better deal than standard yield, as it prints twice as many pages but for only a fraction of the cost more if it costs any more at all. They are an excellent choice for saving money, and you won't need to change your printer cartridges as often.